In creating the Chula Vista Zine Fest, I learned that planning what needed to be done was a necessity. This was something that was very helpful that was made by our teachers, but our group fell behind on some of the deadlines a couple of times. When this happened, other groups would also be behind because they would need our production teams work for other things. Something that was challenging for us was creating a flyer/logo. We created one at first, but it got declined by the teachers because it didn't represent our team. Another week passed of brainstorming and creating multiple drafts of flyers till we created 2 final flyers that were chosen to be on the back and front of our flyer we would be passing out, advertising on windows and social media. Once we had our logo, we created t-shirts for everyone to wear during exhibition and was color coded by each production group. We also took some of the extra drawings that were made and our logo to create pins and tote bags to sell at our Zine Fest. Most of the time my job was to create drafts of flyers, one of them was chosen to be the back of the flyer. I think something that went really well was that we created a logo we all loved and made really nice t-shirts for everyone. I feel like our zine fest was very successful because many people attended throughout the day, there was constantly people walking in and out. There was also many people who were being, having conversations with the zinesters about their social topic, the music was really good, it looked like a lot of people were having a good time which was the main goal.